
From PathfinderWiki


Paizo retroactively removed drow from the Pathfinder campaign setting as part of the Pathfinder Second Edition Remaster Project. A canon replacement for drow in this context might not exist. See Meta:Drow.

Fleshwarps were closely tied to the drow prior to this retcon, and the ramifications for the retroactive removal of drow from the campaign setting are not yet fully known. Monster Core 152–153 revised the origins of grothluts and irnakurses and more exclusively associated the practice's origins with Haagenti.

Drow-related assertions removed from the article include:

Drow fleshwarping transforms victims into predictable, non-humanoid forms, depending on the species of the subject. For example, every drow becomes a drider, which is the most common result of this process.12
Drow fleshwarpers use deliberately painful, horrific procedures to transform their victims. Some are lucky enough to escape or survive a faulty process, allowing them to keep some of their humanoid features. These fleshwarps tend to be afraid of the dark and underground.1

For the version of this article prior to these changes, see revision 486739. -Oznogon (talk) 21:37, 14 June 2024 (UTC)
