
From PathfinderWiki

Legacy content

Jubilex is a deity created for another game and in Pathfinder relies on rules licensed via the Open Game License. The Pathfinder Second Edition Remaster Project changes the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game's license to the Open RPG Creative license, which prevents further use of Jubilex in the Pathfinder campaign setting.1 -Oznogon (talk) 23:07, 27 May 2024 (UTC)


  1. "I THINK that the only gods we have to leave behind fully for OGL reasons are Kostchtchie (who does have soem real-world lore, but not enough in this case), Jubilex, and Orcus (sorta the same thing as Kostchtchie)." James Jacobs. (May 24, 2024). Message in #godsrain-death-and-renewal, Paizo Events Discord.