
From PathfinderWiki
(Alchemical item)

Inhaled, ingested, or injury
Source: Lost Kingdoms, pg(s). 21–22
Synthetic mumia
(Alchemical item)

Ingested or injury
Source: Undead Slayer's Handbook, pg(s). 9

Mumia is a drug created from the preserved remains of non-magical mummies and other carefully preserved dead.1 It has healing properties but can slowly turn its users into ghouls.2 It was invented by Merenfren some time before 2271 AR in Keleshite Osirion and was initially secret.1 It is primarily made and used in Osirion but is also possible to create in the other desert countries of Garund which have supplies of mummies available, and illicitly sold in major cities across northern Garund.3


Synthetic mumia is a non-addictive version of mumia crafted from honey, embalming fluids, and animal organs that satisfies cravings for mumia. Addicts can take synthetic mumia as an alchemical remedy to help quit their addiction to the drug.4


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  1. 1.0 1.1 Wolfgang Baur, et al. “Ancient Osirion” in Lost Kingdoms, 21. Paizo Inc., 2012
  2. Wolfgang Baur, et al. “Ancient Osirion” in Lost Kingdoms, 22. Paizo Inc., 2012
  3. Wolfgang Baur, et al. “Ancient Osirion” in Lost Kingdoms, 21–22. Paizo Inc., 2012
  4. Dennis Baker, et al. “Consummate Undead” in Undead Slayer's Handbook, 9. Paizo Inc., 2014