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Redpine clan

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Redpine clan

Source: Breath of the Dragonskull, pg(s). 3

The Redpine clan of centaurs camps in and around the Finadar Forest of Iobaria. Its chief is Kaana Korag.12

In 4719 AR, the clan accused the nearby human settlement of Mishkar of conspiring with goblins to use fire to drive them out of their territory. The conflict drew the attention of the Pathfinder Society, who uncovered the fires' true cause.3


  1. Michael Sayre. Breath of the Dragonskull, 3. Paizo Inc., 2019
  2. Mikhail Rekun. The Blooming Catastrophe, 9. Paizo Inc., 2020
  3. This refers to the events of the Breath of the Dragonskull Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild scenario, and the presumed outcome considering the premise of The Blooming Catastrophe scenario.