Sihedron Tome

From PathfinderWiki
Sihedron Tome
(Magic item)

Aura (1E)
Strong varied
Caster Level (1E)
Slot (1E)

Sihedron Tomes are the spellbooks of the runelords, each of which holds libraries worth of arcane knowledge and has an unlimited number of pages to write spells on. They are said to have been crafted by a dragon in service to Emperor Xin.4


  1. Jason Keeley. “NPC Gallery” in Temple of the Peacock Spirit, 65. Paizo Inc., 2018
  2. Amanda Hamon. “The City Outside of Time” in The City Outside of Time, 56. Paizo Inc., 2018
  3. Greg A. Vaughan. “NPC Gallery” in Rise of New Thassilon, 73–75. Paizo Inc., 2019
  4. James Jacobs, et al. “Appendices” in Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition, 426. Paizo Inc., 2012