Talk:Midnight Isles

From PathfinderWiki


A couple of questions about categories were raised by User:Oznogon on this page, namely:

  1. Category:Abyss: Abyss/Locations? Nations?
  2. Category:Shamira/Locations: Move to Category:Alinythia, or add cats for each of Nocticula's subordinates?

1. Category:Abyss is, or should be, added to every Abyssal realm and layer, and I think I did that, but only for the purposes of consistency. Now it is questioned, I see no reason for it, as Category:Abyssal layers is already part of Category:Abyss. So long as we standardise across the whole Abyss, I'd be happy with its removal, so it's not a simple deletion here, I'm afraid. I note the layers of Hell do not have Category:Hell, so it would bring a wider consistency too. Any Abyssal realm should be a nation, so Category:Abyss/Nations sounds good - there are probably layers of the Abyss that have no ruler, which would not get that. Anyway, I've made that category now, as we didn't seem to have it.

2. That is more subjective, but I'd be happy for the latter option: all demigods resident in the Midnight Isles categorised on this page as Cat:Deity/Loc as well as on any more focused area they inhabit.

Thoughts? --Fleanetha (talk) 16:55, 4 December 2018 (UTC)

An afterthought: you have the PathfinderWiki:Nocticula Revision Initiative to consider too here potentially, which I am trying to avoid. --Fleanetha (talk) 16:56, 4 December 2018 (UTC)

My main concern with Abyss/Nation for the Midnight Isles is that it is the most structured Abyssal realm: Nocticula at some point as overlord, her subordinates each ruling over an island. I'm not sure a blanket decision on all Abyssal realms to use /Nation subcats would be ideal. If consistency is the goal, then the less specific current practice is fine.
I don't have a strong opinion on the latter issue of including each subordinate ruler's /Locations category. This suggestion seems fine. -Oznogon (talk) 02:44, 5 December 2018 (UTC)