This user has 71,966 total edits.
This chronicler has been awarded the PathfinderWiki Merit Ribbon for initiating the PFWiki Day of Editing.
This chronicler has made significant effort promoting Ustalav, and has been awarded the Prince's Unity Ribbon.
A woeful tale of reviewing the wiki
For any interested, this is where I am and what I have left to do:
- Jan 2024: working and completed up to and including 7 Jan
- Feb – Oct 2024: tinkering
Nov 2024: done
- Dec 2024: working but still got 3–25 to do
- Jan 2025: working and completed up to and including 9 Jan
- Feb 2025: working and completed up to and including 14 Feb
- Mar 2025: ongoing
Admin that stands some chance of being done
Sandboxes 1E
Sandboxes 2E
Here are links to my Paizo area:
and to my Obsidian portal area:
Forgotten To Do List
- Tackle Sandbox notes
- Get my Pathfinder spreadsheet into this wiki
- Incorporate my spreadsheet of
familiars, animal companions, etc., plus eidolons
- Incorporate my NPC spreadsheet
- Complete Korvosa District elements
- Read all historical forum postings
- Ask about non-Paizo Golarion sources: KQ, Wayfinder, etc., and make a list of them.
- Update templates at the bottom of deity pages and consider adding new ones for new pantheons as appropriate
- Adding Home section and category to all deities
- Add the other IFC & IBC articles from Serpent's Skull re flora and fauna (plus ensure template copes)
Lords of Chaos
- return to all demon lords and ensure
rune added and ISWG data input plus older source information (close s/s)
- Lost Cities of Golarion stubs
- ISWG as much as possible (should do
demons and Ustalav)
- PathfinderWiki:Dragon Empires Gazetteer Inclusion Initiative
- Rule of Fear stubs, including Template:Ustalav navbox
- Template:Illmarsh navbox
- Template:Caliphas navbox
- Links page / Navigation page to other quality Pathfinder websites - now on front page so add there
- Definition of badges
- Lands of the Linnorm Kings stubs
- Help formulate PathfinderWiki:Spam - see PathfinderWiki Proposal:Spam - conclude
- For User pages, consider badges for PFS GM stars and for participation (GM or Player) in the Paizo APs
- Template:Shackles navbox: structure the country then add navbox for each main region at least
- Template:Port Peril navbox: structure the city then add navbox for each city district at least
- Forum:Timeline of rulers consider
- Stub Magnimar, City of Monuments
- Consider use of City template on all Absalom city districts - wouldn't Region be better?
- Conclude Forum:Minor variations of monsters discussion
- Template:Katapesh navbox - most locations need a descriptive category adding
- Dark Waters Rising also contains an exclusive bonus story, "The Last Mosswood Goblin" written by series author Jim Zub: how deal with this new fiction format?
- Take a look at Special:UnusedImages and see what could be used
- Categories attached to Hellknight Orders need standardizing as do the categories for the orders themselves
- Forum:Updates and Cleanups - conclude
- Forum:Making life simple - progress?
- Consider some very old things here and resolve: Category:Policies with suggested changes
- Template spring clean project
- Alignment pages need some love and consistency
- Forum:Mythic Wiki
- Category:Fiction by author & Category:Fiction authors: why so unloved - what has gone wrong as neither are comprehensive / do we need both/either? Raised discussion in Forum:Sourcebooks and Fiction
- Category:Artwork by subject: sub categories need adding to many pages here especially monster types
- Incorporate rest of comments from http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2o28u?Pathfinder-Wiki-Paizo-Mysteries
- PathfinderWiki:Inner Sea Gods Inclusion Initiative
- Forum:How to deal with furry associates resolved?
- Forum:Category Status resolved?
- Region to Nation project
Forgotten Ongoing Tasks
Completed Stuff
Help Articles
Consider tidy up based on Forum:Five Kings Mountains - will be done in ISWG project
Understand templates at the bottom of deity pages
Have a crack at 'Uncategorized categories' here: http://www.pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Special:UncategorizedCategories [was 77]
Try to reduce this beast of 'Uncategorized Pages': http://www.pathfinderwiki.com/mediawiki/index.php?title=Special:UncategorizedPages&limit=500&offset=0 [was 278 now 232 but all main article pages now categorized, with lots of help from Brandingopportunity]
Make list of useful wiki commands used Here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Wiki_markup
Deity subdomains - Brandingopportunity done
Incorporate my Afflictions notes
Next to attack: http://www.pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Special:WantedCategories [was 564]
Update Deity Portal - order and ensure complete
Add to nation and deity template an adjective and a native resident's designation to nation template (+ language?), e.g., Cheliax, Chelish, Chelaxian; Ustalavic; Andoran, Andoren; Osirion, Osirian, (Osiriani language); Taldor, Taldan, (Taldane); Sarenrae, Sarenite; Pharasma, Pharasmin; Abadar, Abadaran; ...
Add Tome of Horrors Complete page and reference template
Understand history behind title banner to wiki having red link to deleted page: 'PathfinderWiki The Pathfinder Campaign Setting canon encyclopedia anyone can edit.'
Lost Kingdoms updates applied
Conclude in some way Master of Devils/Index
Category:Human needs tidying - many members should be Category:Human/Inhabitants done by my kind colleague User:Brandingopportunity
what is the rationale behind the other 3.5 books listed here already?
- They were the books that stats were used for during the 3.5 days when they were using the OGL -- Cpt kirstov (talk) 19:21, 17 February 2013 (UTC)
Kaer Maga district categories
Ensure there is at least a stub page for every creature 'Type'
Template:Ravenmoor navbox
Devils are chaotic wrt categories: tidy
Check all /meta files for these new ebooks: http://paizo.com/paizo/blog/v5748dyo5lfgz?New-Short-Fiction-ePubs
Conclude Forum:Nexus pages? discussion
Forum:Canon policy and Bestiaries
Forum:Category Trees: Races/Monsters/Creatures - check all done
Hag navbox needed
Golem navbox really needed
Wait for Template talk:Deity work to be done then Empty Graves data for Osirian pantheon needs adding