
From PathfinderWiki


Oregent's position is in conflict between several official sources.

  • Andoran, Spirit of Liberty inside front cover positions Oregent west of the Andoshen River, significantly south of a southerly bend in the Arthrosh River, and east of the northern Nogortha Peaks.
  • Spirit of Liberty 14 describes Oregent as being on the Andoshen River instead of the Arthrosh River.
  • Andoran, Birthplace of Freedom inside front cover positions Oregent west of the Andoshen River, on the river's southern shore beyond a southerly bend in the Arthrosh River and in the eastern central Nogortha Peaks.
  • Birthplace of Freedom 20 depicts a city-scale map of Oregent along the southern shore of the Arthrosh River surrounded by grassland.
  • The Inner Sea Poster Map Folio positions Oregent west of the Andoshen River, on the southern shore of a northerly bend west of the southerly bend in the Arthrosh River in the eastern central foothills of the Nogortha Peaks. This position is consistent with the locator map in The Stolen Heir 3.
  • The People of the River map of the Sellen River positions Oregent at the western end of the unlabeled Arthrosh River, in the eastern central foothills of the Nogortha Peaks.
  • The World Guide poster map depicts Oregent as being on the northern shore of the Arthrosh River, which is unlabeled, and east of the northern extent of the Nogortha Peaks.
  • World Guide 121 depicts Oregent as being on the southern shore of the Arthrosh River, on the southerly bend east of the northern extent of the Nogortha Peaks.

This conflict is irreconcilable. The position on World Guide 121 is used as the closest thing to an authoritative published book source. -Oznogon (talk) 19:59, 20 June 2024 (UTC)