Talk:Petitioner's Port/Conflicts

From PathfinderWiki


Published maps conflict on the position of Petitioner's Port.

  • Blood of the Beautiful, which is set near Petitioner's Port, has a locator map that places Petitioner's Port deep inside Isger, southwest of Elidir. This is the most clearly an error as it conflicts with the text of the locator map.
  • The map on Druma, Profit and Prophecy inside front cover places Petitioner's Port near the source of the Profit's Flow.
  • Profit and Prophecty 50 describes it as being located "at the mouth of the Profit's Flow", and the town map depicts it as being on the north shore of the Profit's Flow.

Profit and Prophecy is both the most consistent and higher-tier source, and is preferred. -Oznogon (talk) 19:13, 29 September 2024 (UTC)