
From PathfinderWiki


Some information in this article (like the witchwyrds originating on Akiton or the civil war between witchwyrds) was never actually specified in the cited source (Distant Worlds) and was confirmed to be false in Against the Scarlet Triad. - HTD (talk) 11:08, 2 November 2019 (UTC)

You didn't remove much, the content in question (most of which you kept, despite your assertions) was in fact in Distant Worlds at the cited location, and the newer source apparently provided more clarity, context, and history for it in an article than DW could in one vague 65-word paragraph — not that I can even confirm any of this because you're using Scarlet Triad before its street date.
Don't broadly put others' work in a poor light by suggesting it's in error when it's just incomplete and revised by a newer source. Especially don't do it with unconfirmable sources that you know others can't access. If you have specific clarifications, state them before you throw out others' work. If there are canon conflicts, cite them on the page before you throw out others' work. For a year and a half now multiple people have been constantly asking you to do these things and you clearly do not care. -Oznogon (talk) 23:25, 3 November 2019 (UTC)