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Targos Min-Katheer

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Targos Min-Katheer

Qadira: Katheer (originally);
Lopul (latterly)
Source: Murder on the Silken Caravan, pg(s). 2, 5, 11–12

Targos Min-Katheer was a venture-captain in the Pathfinder Society until his death in 4708 AR. Originally from Katheer, later in life, Targos made his home in Lopul when not traveling. Targos was a prolific Pathfinder, contributing more than two dozen entries to the Pathfinder Chronicles. As a native of the area, he became an expert on the lands along the Silken Way.1 Throughout his many adventures, he gained the enmity of the cult of Lamashtu. Targos took a jann named Jamila al-Shafah as a companion and lover.123

Near the end of his life, Targos began to develop heart problems. Rather than suffer through his final days, he and Jamila decided she would administer to him a fatal dose of scorpion venom, allowing him to die peacefully in his sleep.45 Targos' body was transported back to Katheer—its final resting place—by a group of Pathfinders. The funeral was fit for a hero, being attended by genie-kin of the desert, representatives of the satrap's court, several Pathfinders, and even members of the Decemvirate.6


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Targos Min-Katheer is mentioned in the following works:
WorkThis entity is best represented by this wikipage.ReleaseThe release date or a partial release date.
Murder on the Silken CaravanAugust 2008
Our Lady of SilverJuly 2009