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Jamila al-Shafah

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Jamila al-Shafah

Source: Murder on the Silken Caravan, pg(s). 6–7, 11

Jamila al-Shafah is a successful trader of silk and precious stones, based in Lopul. While appearing to be a beautiful human woman, her true form is that of a jann.1 Jamila was a long time friend and lover of the famed Pathfinder Venture-Captain Targos Min-Katheer. While investigating a plot to disrupt trade along the Silken Way in 4708 AR, Targos' health began to fail. Rather than watch her long-time love suffer through his final days, Jamila administered to him a fatal dose of scorpion venom. With the help of a group of Pathfinders, Jamila managed to thwart a plot to disrupt the trade route, and deliver Targos' body to its final resting place.2


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Jamila al-Shafah is mentioned in the following works:
WorkThis entity is best represented by this wikipage.ReleaseThe release date or a partial release date.
Murder on the Silken CaravanAugust 2008
Valley of Veiled Flame29 October 2014
Through Maelstrom Rift2016
The Sandstorm Prophecy30 November 2016
Secrets of the Endless Sky21 December 2016
Caught in the Eclipse25 January 2017
Down the Verdant PathFebruary 2018