
From PathfinderWiki

Terwazash lizardfolk are among the most ancient and storied of their kind's ancestries outside of the still-thriving nation of Droon.1


The scales of Terwazashes are normally brightly coloured, with green the most common shade and lighter-coloured underbellies. Some, however, whose lineages are associated with dragons and lunar nagas can be entirely white, black, or emerald in tone. Terwazashes also possess a range of fins and neck frills that enhance their expressiveness in conversation. Terwazash clothing is often made of waterproof materials such as woven reeds, and they are renowned for manufacturing beautiful jewellery and other art.1


Most active along the western reaches of Garund, Terwazashes view themselves as paragons of true iruxi culture.1


  1. โ†‘ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Patchen Mortimer. โ€œLizardfolkโ€ in Ancestry Guide, 45. Paizo Inc., 2021