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The Evershifting
Areas of Concern
Create without reservation, help others unlock their true potential, observe the mysteries of life
Fail to study a new creature if safely able, force a creature to live in the wrong body, reject creatures or information due to bigoted or rigid beliefs
Follower Alignments (2E)
Sanctification (2E)
Domains (2E)
Change, creation, fate, time
Alternate: Freedom, knowledge
Favored Weapon
Molting cicada
Sacred Animal
Sacred Colors
Alignment details are sourced from Impossible Lands 309.

Aakriti the Evershifting is a deity of oozekind, creation, change, and unknown potential, and is primarily worshiped in the nation of Nex. They are suspected to be a primordial pupal deity whose development was arrested at an early stage.1


Aakriti's origins are unknown, though several scholarly theories suggest they were a primordial deity, perhaps one who was damaged while forming and made incapable of fully maturing into its final manifestation.1

Appearance and emissaries

Aakriti, who rarely appears to mortals, resembles an oobleck of perpetually changing state, form, and color who takes numerous forms similar to insectoid larvae, pupa, or butterflies. New forms of life spawn from Aakriti's being, often explosively, unpredictably, and colorfully.1


The Evershifting recognizes life as a constant transition between different states of being and celebrates the inflection points of such transitions. Even when such transitions destroy one's identity, Aakriti sees infinite potential within nothingness.1

Conversely, rigidity, inflexibility, and aversion to change all are counter to Aakriti's dogma, and the Evershifting sometimes intervenes against those who entrap others into different forms without their consent.

Worshippers and clergy

Aakriti has few followers in the Inner Sea region, most of whom are either Desnans or Oenopionian alchemists,1 but they also have a following in Ecanus.2 Aakriti's faith has spread mainly through bardic worshippers who travel on adventures.1

Temples and shrines

The Evershifting's nature resists permanent temples or shrines. Most physical places of worship are small, portable, and made of inherently malleable or ephemeral materials such as decomposable clay and paper.1


  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Mariam Ahmad, et al. “Religion” in Impossible Lands, 310. Paizo Inc., 2022
  2. ↑ Mariam Ahmad, et al. “Nex” in Impossible Lands, 271. Paizo Inc., 2022