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Yargos Gill

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Yargos Gill

Source: Silent Tide, pg(s). 3

Yargos Gill was a military historian in the Puddles district of Absalom. In 4708 AR, he came into possession of a centuries-old codebook used by the Black Echelon to infiltrate and weaken the city's defenses in preparation for the Silent Tide. Gill unwittingly set into motion the operatives' plan, and the book was taken from him by Nessian, leader of the War Hounders gang. He enlisted the help of the Pathfinder Society to recover it and end the threat against the city.1


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Yargos Gill is mentioned in the following works:
WorkThis entity is best represented by this wikipage.ReleaseThe release date or a partial release date.
Silent Tide (scenario)August 2008
Song of the Sea WitchSeptember 2011
The Wounded Wisp31 December 2014