Agamazar Raj

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Agamazar Raj

Vassal monarchy to Valash Raj
Source: Tian Xia World Guide, pg(s). 232

Now incorporated into the Valash Raj, the Agamazar Raj is a centuries-old petty kingdom singularly dedicated to containing and eventually eliminating the blights of the Star Titan's Grave. "Agamazar Raj" is also the title of the kingdom's ruler.1


Since before most written history in the region, the kaiju corpse of Agamazar had been poisoning the surrounding land, water, and creatures in a radius of miles. The Agamazar Raj was founded centuries ago to contain and possibly expunge the destructive influence of the corpse.1

When Rakarit started expanding as the Valash Raj, circa 6800 IC,2 the Agamazar Raj arranged a diplomatic agreement with the Valash Raj. The Valash Raj would help the Agamazar Raj contain the dead kaiju in return for the Agamazar Raj's fealty. And as long as they contained the threat, the new vassal was exempt from some taxes and military levies.1

Recently, the reigning Agamazar Raj Sayo Agar has significantly increased sanctioned expeditions to the Grave. As of 7224 IC, believing he devised an inoculation against the arcane plague, Sayo is seeking to recruit more adventurers to study the kaiju after the previous expedition gruesomely died during the investigation.1


Rings of small fortresses and walled outposts surround and quarantine the Grave. The few permitted to directly investigate the slain kaiju are monitored for symptoms of the arcane plague that befalls many who get too close. Trespassers are redirected, captured, killed, or rarely simply let go so their grisly succumbence to the plague might deter other would-be interlopers.1


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Eren Ahn, et al. Valash Raj and the Valashmai Jungle” in Tian Xia World Guide, 232. Paizo Inc., 2024
  2. Eren Ahn, et al. “History” in Tian Xia World Guide, 9. Paizo Inc., 2024