Grey Gulf

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Grey Gulf

Southeastern Tian Xia, between Valash Raj and Xa Hoi
Source: Tian Xia World Guide, pg(s). 231

The Grey Gulf1 is a toxic body of water that separates Xa Hoi from Valash Raj. Its unnaturally still waters are largely devoid of life, and the hulls of ships that ply it rot unusually quickly.

The only progress toward purifying the waters came after the kaiju Mogaru mysteriously appeared without warning, tore open the rocky center of the island of Arung in the middle of the gulf, breathed fire into an obscure ruin within, and left.2

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  1. The map in Tian Xia World Guide spells the gulf Gray Gulf, but the text consistently spells it "Grey". The spelling used in the text is preferred, but both are valid.
  2. Eren Ahn, et al. Valash Raj and the Valashmai Jungle” in Tian Xia World Guide, 231. Paizo Inc., 2024