Blackfingers Temple

Blackfingers Temple is the primary place of worship to Norgorber in the city of Absalom and is the only known place of worship that exclusively reveres Norgorber's Blackfingers aspect. Although the clergy maintains a façade of legitimacy it is an open secret that the clergy secretly engage in torture and poison brewing in the temple's lower levels.1
A soaring, cathedral-like structure made of a thick, dark stone reinforced with steel and ornamented with silver, the temple's grim coloration sets it apart from neighboring buildings.2
Temple services
The Noxious Retort is a two week conference of the alchemical arts that is held annually at the temple. The event attracts a great number of alchemists and poisoners keen to make social connections and learn new skills.3
People of Note
- High Priest Jonis Flakfatter.
- â âAssault on Hunting Lodge Sevenâ in Assault on Hunting Lodge Seven, 7. Paizo Inc., 2020 .
- â âAssault on Hunting Lodge Sevenâ in Assault on Hunting Lodge Seven, 11. Paizo Inc., 2020 .
- â âAdventure Toolboxâ in Assault on Hunting Lodge Seven, 86. Paizo Inc., 2020 .