Brazen Claw

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Brazen Claw
(Magic item)

Aura (1E)
Moderate transmutation
Caster Level (1E)
Magic weapon
Slot (1E)
Source: Dark Markets, pg(s). 17

The magic brass scimitar known as Brazen Claw is considered a holy relic to the kholo1 of the Brazen Peaks.

While some kholo believe they were created by the goddess Lamashtu, kholo of the Brazen Peaks believe that she clawed her chosen creature from the very earth of the Brazen Peaks. According to this legend, the tip of one of her claws broke off in the earth and was later found by kholo, and from this shard they created the Brazen Claw.

The weapon was used to great effect by kholo leader Rath Sandstalker at the Siege of Solku, though rumor has it the mighty kholo has since lost the weapon.2 One rumor places it in the hands of the mercenary Marrow Reavers, which would infuriate Rath if true.3


  1. Paizo referred to all kholo as gnolls until the publication of The Mwangi Expanse, and renamed all gnolls to kholo across Player Core, GM Core, and Monster Core. For details, see Meta:Kholo.
  2. Stephen S. Greer & Amber E. Scott. “Land of Adventure” in Dark Markets, A Guide to Katapesh, 17. Paizo Inc., 2009
  3. Amber Stewart. Marrow Reavers” in Rival Guide, 40. Paizo Inc., 2011