Chains of Freedom

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Chains of Freedom

Sails, oars
Unknown; before 4687 AR1
Flagship of Jolis Raffles's fleet among the Shackles Pirates
Formerly Jolis Raffles (ca. 4687 AR-4706 AR); now left to his subordinates2
Source: The Inner Sea World Guide, pg(s). 173

The Chains of Freedom, formerly the Chelaxian slave galleon Fiend of the Waves, is the flagship of halfling pirate lord and Free Captain Jolis Raffles of the Shackles Pirates. The ship's crew are all halfling former slaves, and it leads a fleet of seven galleys, five sloops, and two frigates.3

The ship, liberated by Jolis in a slave revolt, has called Slipcove its home port since around 4687 AR.45


  1. ↑ Mike Shel. “Shackles Gazetteer” in Isles of the Shackles, 7. Paizo Inc., 2012 Year estimated from publication date.
  2. ↑ Mike Shel. “Shackles Gazetteer” in Isles of the Shackles, 7. Paizo Inc., 2012 Year estimated from publication date.
  3. ↑ Mike Shel. “Shackles Gazetteer” in Isles of the Shackles, 6. Paizo Inc., 2012
  4. ↑ James Jacobs, et al. “The Shackles” in The Inner Sea World Guide, 173. Paizo Inc., 2011
  5. ↑ Mike Shel. “Shackles Gazetteer” in Isles of the Shackles, 7. Paizo Inc., 2012 Year estimated from publication date.