Draconic anatomy

From PathfinderWiki
A red dragon emits magically flaming breath, an effect supported by a dragon's drathyrum-producing arcanicus glands.

Dragons are among the most powerful creatures of the Universe and are supernaturally enhanced by magic. As such, draconic anatomy includes many unique organs and features.12

Interior physiology

Dragons have a complex glandular system that produces and regulates magical ichor used by several of their systems. Their muscular and skeletal systems are magically reinforced, and a dragon's heart has several redundant systems that allow blood to flow even when damaged. Part of its nervous system can trigger a state of deep hibernation when necessary.34

Exterior physiology

Some types of dragons, such as sea dragons, have significantly different bodies and features than others.

Dragons have widely varying appearances that distinguish different types from each other, as well as individuals of a specific type; no two dragons have precisely identical faces.2 While some defining traits are hotly debated by scholars, dragons tend to have four legs, two wings, and one tail.3


Paizo published a detailed illustration of true dragon anatomy in Dragonslayer's Handbook 16–17, and a physiological summary in Fortress of the Stone Giants 66–67.

  1. Shaun Hocking, et al. “Draconic Anatomy” in Dragonslayer's Handbook, 16–17. Paizo Inc., 2013
  2. 2.0 2.1 Mike McArtor. Dragons of Golarion” in Fortress of the Stone Giants, 66–67. Paizo Inc., 2007
  3. 3.0 3.1 Mike McArtor. Dragons of Golarion” in Fortress of the Stone Giants, 66. Paizo Inc., 2007
  4. Shaun Hocking, et al. “Draconic Anatomy” in Dragonslayer's Handbook, 16–16. Paizo Inc., 2013