Grim White Stag

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Grim White Stag

Any (Heaven)
Source: Inner Sea Gods, pg(s). 286

The Grim White Stag is the herald of Erastil, the god of the hunt, family, and farming. He appears as an enormous pale-white stag standing over 30 feet at his withers, with living branches for antlers and green vines around its legs.12

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Paizo published a major article about the Grim White Stag in Heaven Unleashed.

For additional as-yet unincorporated sources about this subject, see the Meta page.

  1. Adam Daigle, et al. “Bestiary” in Rivers Run Red, 85–86. Paizo Inc., 2010
  2. Sean K Reynolds, et al. Inner Sea Gods, 286. Paizo Inc., 2014