Help:Writing an article about a year

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This is a how-to style guide that attempts to demonstrate the easiest way of writing an article about a particular year.


The article should be named with the number of the year in Absalom Reckoning, followed by a single space, followed by "AR" in upper case. For example, "1332 AR" rather than "1332ar". If the year's number is negative, it should be preceded by a single, hyphen, for example, "-200 AR".

Yearbox template

The {{Yearbox}} template produces quick access to the years immediately before and after the current article's year, and also the age in which the year occurred. It is used in its simplest form as follows:

|age=Age of Lost Omens

This will produce a box that contains links to the five years immediately before 4707 AR and the five years immediately after 4707 AR. For a lot of the earlier years, there is no reason to link to the five years either side, because no notable events occurred and therefore they don't need their own articles. You can specify the five closest notable years in either direction as follows:

|age  = Age of Enthronement
|year = 922
|yp1  = 920
|yp2  = 917
|yp3  = 916
|yp4  = 913
|yp5  = 912
|yf1  = 925
|yf2  = 926
|yf3  = 927
|yf4  = 928
|yf5  = 929

If preferred, you can use the same details but put them in date order inside the template, like this:

|age  = Age of Enthronement
|yp5  = 912
|yp4  = 913
|yp3  = 916
|yp2  = 917
|yp1  = 920
|year = 922
|yf1  = 925
|yf2  = 926
|yf3  = 927
|yf4  = 928
|yf5  = 929

The overall resulting template on the page will look the same using either method.

The "age" parameter must be one of a set of ages in Golarion history. You can see the ages and which years they represent on the history portal. If your article's year falls exactly on a boundary (-3500 AR, for example), place it in the age that begins on that year, rather than the age that ends on that year.

Writing the year's events

The events are split into rough categories according to topic, with each topic being started with a yearbox subtemplate, such as {{Yearbox/deaths}} or {{Yearbox/in-politics}}. Below this, simply write a bullet point list of summaries for the events. They do not need to contain an excessive amount of detail, because they should link to the article or articles in question. They do need to contain references however, so that it is easy to verify their accuracy. For example:

* [[Aroden]]'s clerics are cut off from their god after storms wrack [[Golarion]] for three weeks
and the connection is never reestablished, leading most to believe that Aroden is dead.<ref>{{Cite

If you are using references in this style, please remember to put a references section at the bottom of the article:


There are no hard and fast rules about how to group the year's events, and you can add new groups if you think a suitable one does not exist. The following groups are currently in use and should be placed on the page in alphabetical order as they are here. The exceptions to this rule being births and deaths, which should be placed together below the other groups, and in-misc which should be placed as the last group on the page, as follows:

Please have a look at 4706 AR for a particularly busy year as an example.

Suppressing a table of contents

If more than two sections are added to a year's page, the wiki will automatically generate a table of contents at the top of the page. It is our custom to suppress this by adding the following code to the top of the page on its own line:



The article should be placed in the years category and the applicable age category, but the category sort key will need to be changed to ensure the years are listed in numerical order. There is a policy on the matter. First, take the year (converting to Absalom Reckoning if necessary) and add 20,000 to it. Bear in mind that if the year is negative, the result will be less than 20,000. Then use this number as the category sort key, with a space in front of it. Use the same category sort key value for both the year and age category.


For -988 AR, -988 + 20000 = 19012.

[[Category:Years| 19012]]
[[Category:Age of Destiny| 19012]]

For 1274 AR, 1274 + 20000 = 21274.

[[Category:Years| 21274]]
[[Category:Age of Enthronement| 21274]]