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Ikiko, a jinxfeather tengu Shackles pirate.

Jinxfeather tengu are a culture of the bird-like ancestry that settled the tropical northwestern coast of Garund. They are the most common heritage of tengu active in the Inner Sea region.1


Jinxfeather tengu resemble most other tengu.1


Most jinxfeather tengu live along the coastline of western Garund, particularly across and around the islands of the Shackles. These jinxfeathers are descended from migrant tengu sailors who started new lives on land, often taking jobs as dock workers or fishermen. Many find themselves drawn to, or sometimes press-ganged into, becoming sailors due to a local superstition amongst pirates that tengu eat, and therefore destroy, bad luck, an invaluable trait on ships where much is determined by luck.

Tengu who take on this role are known as "jinx eaters," which affords them a position of relative privilege amongst these crews. Such tengu also tend to play up this superstition and their role in any good fortune their ship experiences. However, this practice has also led to a trend of pirates kidnapping and press-ganging jinxfeather tengu, particularly the young, into service.1
