Kwanlai tengu

From PathfinderWiki

Kwanlai Tengu is the name given to the tengu heritage that comes from their ancestral homeland in and around the modern-day nation of Kwanlai.1


Kwanlai tengu have no particular quirks in their appearance, they are the stereotypical tengu in terms of looks.1


Kwanlai tengu can be found in and around the nation of Kwanlai, the heart of the tengu people's ancestral homeland. Kwanlai tengu are a people of contradictions, they build shrines of sublime beauty to their gods amongst unplanned slums full of squalor, they will proudly regale you with the centuries-long history of an ancestral relic before betting it on a hand of cards.1 For four centuries tengus suffered under the harsh yoke of Imperial Lung Wa, condemned to life as second-class citizens this period helped build a great sense of solidarity amongst Kwanlai tengus.2
