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Kingmaker Bestiary (5E)

From PathfinderWiki
Pathfinder Kingmaker Bestiary (5E)
Cover Image
Book - Sourcebook
Rule set
D&D 5E
October 26, 2022

Kingmaker Bestiary (5E), a hardcover Kingmaker Adventure Path sourcebook supporting the Kingmaker Adventure Path hardcover release, was released on October 26, 2022. The volume is a Dungeons & Dragons 5E conversion of materials presented in the Kingmaker hardcover. Authors of the volume include Jeremy Corff, Robert J. Grady, Tim Hitchcock, Jeff Ibach, Victoria Jaczko, Matt Kimmel, Jeff Lee, Julian Neale, Chris Perrin, Tom Phillips, and Alex Riggs.

The world of Pathfinder comes to 5E for the first time!
From feral beasts to supernatural sprits from the realm of fey, the Kingmaker Adventure Path forces heroes to test their might against hundreds of foes—be they bandit lords, evil kings, or demigods. This book presents rules for over 275 monsters and villains, 45 traps and hazards, and seven companion NPCs presented with a low-level and mid-level stat block, making them suitable for play as adventuring companions or even pregenerated player characters—all compatible with any Fifth Edition game. Designed to work alongside the new Pathfinder Adventure Path campaign book, this volume makes quick conversion of the campaign to 5E a breeze! Challenge your heroes while playing through the Kingmaker Adventure Path or populate a campaign entirely of your own design!


pp. 4–5
Chapter 1: Bestiary
pp. 6–115
Chapter 2: NPC Codex
pp. 116–179
Chapter 3: Hazards and Traps
pp. 180–181
Chapter 4: Companions
pp. 190–201
pp. 202–204

Alphabetical listing of bestiary entries

  • Adamantine Golem
  • Ancient Will-o’-Wisp
  • Ankou
  • Ankou Assassin
  • Antipaladin
  • Assassin Vine
  • Athach
  • Aurumvorax
  • Azure Worm
  • Bandersnatch
  • Barbtongued Wyvern
  • Black Tear Cutthroat
  • Blodeuwedd
  • Bloom Cultist
  • Bloom Wyvern
  • Bloomborn Athach
  • Bodak
  • Bog Mummy Cultist
  • Bog Strider
  • Boggard Cultist
  • Boggard Swampseer
  • Boggard Warden
  • Boggard Warrior
  • Bounty Hunter
  • Brush Thylacine
  • Bugbear Tormentor
  • Bythos Aeon
  • Cairn Linnorm
  • Catoblepas
  • Cauthooj
  • Cavern Troll
  • Centaur Scout
  • Chew Spiders
  • Cleansed Cultist
  • Defaced Naiad Queen
  • Derghodaemon
  • Doprillu
  • Drainberry Bush
  • Dread Wraith
  • Drelev Guard
  • Dweomercat
  • Elder Banshee
  • Elder Elemental Tsunami
  • Elemental Tsunami
  • Enormous Dragonfly
  • Enormous Flame Drake
  • Explorer
  • False Priestess
  • Fen Pudding
  • Fetch Behemoth
  • Fetch Stalker
  • Freshly Bloomed Basilisk
  • Froghemoth
  • Ghostly Guard
  • Giant Animated Statue
  • Giant Flytrap
  • Giant Slug
  • Giant Tick
  • Giant Trapdoor Spider
  • Giant Vulture
  • Giant Whiptail Centipede
  • Giant Wolverine
  • Goblin Bat-Dog
  • Goblin Commando
  • Goblin Dog
  • Goblin Pyro
  • Goblin War Chanter
  • Gogiteth
  • Graveknight
  • Greater Barghest
  • Grig
  • Grimstalker
  • Guthallath
  • Hill Giant Butcher
  • Hobgoblin Archer
  • Hodag
  • Hooktongue Hydra
  • Hunter
  • Immense Mandragora
  • Irlgaunt
  • Jabberwock
  • Jotund Troll
  • Kargstaad’s Giant
  • Kellid Graveknight
  • Kobold Scout
  • Krooth
  • Leng Envoy
  • Lerritan
  • Lesser Jabberwock
  • Leucrotta
  • Leukodaemon
  • Lizardfolk Scout
  • Lizardfolk Warrior
  • Logger
  • Lurker in Light
  • Mandragora Swarm
  • Marsh Giant
  • Mastiff of Tindalos
  • Mastodon
  • Mitflit
  • Mohrg
  • Mohrg Spawn
  • Monster Hunter
  • Morrigna
  • Mu Spore
  • Mudwretch
  • Murder of Crows
  • Nabasu Demon
  • Nuckelavee
  • Ogre Spider
  • Overgrown Viper Vine
  • Oversized Chimera
  • Peluda
  • Piscodaemon
  • Pitax Warden
  • Pixie
  • Poacher
  • Quelaunt
  • Radiant Warden
  • Redcap
  • Risen Fetch
  • River Elasmosaurus
  • Ruffian
  • Sard
  • Scythe Tree
  • Shoggoth
  • Sister of the Bloodshot Eye
  • Skeletal Champion
  • Skeletal Hulk
  • Skeletal Tiger Lord
  • Skulltaker
  • Slurk
  • Snapping Flytrap
  • Soul Eater
  • Sportlebore Swarm
  • Spriggan Bully
  • Spriggan Warlord
  • Stag Lord Bandit
  • Storm-Struck Treant
  • Talon Peak Roc
  • Tarn Linnorm
  • Tatzlwyrm
  • Tendriculos
  • Thorn River Bandit
  • Thresholder Disciple
  • Thresholder Hermeticist
  • Thresholder Mystic
  • Thylacine
  • Tiger Lord
  • Tor Linnorm
  • Trapdoor Ogre Spider
  • Tree That Weeps
  • Troll Guard
  • Troll King
  • Trollhound
  • Twigjack
  • Two-Headed Troll
  • Verdurous Ooze
  • Vicious Army Ant Swarm
  • Vilderavn Herald
  • Viper Vine
  • Warsworn
  • Water Mephit
  • Wemmuth
  • Whimwyrm
  • Wild Hunt Archer
  • Wild Hunt Horse
  • Wild Hunt Hound
  • Wild Hunt Monarch
  • Wild Hunt Scout
  • Winged Owlbear
  • Xill
  • Zombie Hulk
  • Zomok