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Kingmaker Adventure Path (hardcover)

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Pathfinder Kingmaker Adventure Path
Cover Image
Book - Adventure Path compilation
Rule set
Hardcover (Special Edition)
October 26, 2022

Kingmaker Adventure Path compiles the six Pathfinder Adventure Path issues of the Kingmaker Adventure Path into a single hardcover volume, with rules updated for Pathfinder Second Edition. The adventure was released on October 26, 2022.

James Jacobs gave an update about the progress of the project and the reasons for its delay in a Paizo Blog post published Tuesday, July 28, 2020.

The Kingmaker Adventure Path presents a full-length campaign that chronicles the rise of a new nation—a kingdom built and ruled by YOUR player characters! Yet before one can build a kingdom, the wilderness known as the Stolen Lands themselves must be explored and tamed. Face off against bands of bloodthirsty bandits, deadly and dangerous monsters, and mysterious menaces from other realities as you fight to claim the Stolen Lands as your own. But once claimed, can your characters defend your hard-won kingdom from war on its borders and supernatural threats from within? Will you rule with justice and mercy, or will you become the very monsters you fought to oppose? In the Kingmaker Adventure Path, the destiny of the world's newest nation is yours to decide!


Introduction: Into the Stolen Lands
pp. 4–13
  • Campaign Synopsis
  • Running Kingmaker
  • Character Creation
Chapter 1: A Call for Heroes
pp. 14–41
  • Part 1: The Swordlord's Feast
  • Part 2: Blood and Blades
  • Part 3: Into the Fire
Chapter 2: Into the Wild
pp. 42–159
  • Part 1: Hexploring the Stolen Lands
  • Part 2: Hex Encounters
  • Part 3: The Old Sycamore
  • Part 4: Sootscale Caverns
  • Part 5: The Lonely Barrow
  • Part 6: Isle of the Lizard King
  • Part 7: Candlemere Island
  • Part 8: The Forgotten Keep
  • Part 9: M'Botuu
Chapter 3: Stolen Land
pp. 160–183
Chapter 4: Rivers Run Red
pp. 184–213
  • Part 1: Home Sweet Home
  • Part 2: Troll Trouble
  • Part 3: Hunting the Beast
Chapter 5: Cult of the Bloom
pp. 214–247
  • Part 1: Seeds of Ruin
  • Part 2: Full Bloom
  • Part 3: The Cradle of Lamashtu
Chapter 6: The Varnhold Vanishing
pp. 248–285
  • Part 1: Before the Vanishing
  • Part 2: The Vanished Village
  • Part 3: Among the Nomen
  • Part 4: Vordakai's Tomb
Chapter 7: Blood for Blood
pp. 286–329
Chapter 8: War of the River Kings
pp. 330–395
  • Part 1: The Rushlight Treachery
  • Part 2: Behind Enemy Lines
  • Part 3: The Ghost of Whiterose
  • Part 4: Infiltration
  • Part 5: The King's Palace
Chapter 9: They Lurk Below
pp. 396–421
  • Part 1: Threshold of Dread
  • Part 2: The Depth of Fear
Chapter 10: Sound of a Thousand Screams
pp. 422–477
  • Part 1: A Month of Destruction
  • Part 2: A Thousand Breaths
  • Part 3: House at the Edge of Time
Chapter 11: Curse of the Lantern King
pp. 478–501
  • Part 1: A Broken Apology
  • Part 2: The Lantern Kingdom
pp. 502–638
  • Appendix 1: Beyond the Campaign
  • Appendix 2: Kingdoms
  • Appendix 3: Warfare
  • Appendix 4: Kingmaker Treasures
  • Appendix 5: NPCs and Monsters
  • Additional Resources