
From PathfinderWiki

City of the Angelic Host
Source: Planar Adventures, pg(s). 165

Llourith, also know as the City of the Angelic Host is a glorious city of towers located high up on the side of Dragonmane Mountain on the plane of Nirvana. While Llourith is visible from many of the lower regions of Nirvana it is only accessible to angels and those who have proved themselves exceptionally devoted to the angelic cause. Llourith is used as a meeting place for angels from across Nirvana, Heaven and Elysium, a place where they can hammer out plans and resolve disputes, it is also used as a place for them to gain a little respite from their endless duties.1


  1. Robert Brookes, et al. “Chapter 3: The Great Beyond” in Planar Adventures, 165. Paizo Inc., 2018