
From PathfinderWiki

Source: The Mwangi Expanse, pg(s). 303

Mamlambos are dim-witted but sly river predators with hypnotic, bioluminescent skin.1


Mamlambos resemble crocodiles, though with a long neck that ends in a narrow equine head. They possess four stubby legs, which are not suited for land locomotion; though, a mamlambo is fast in water. They have a very long tail, which they can whip around as a weapon.1


The primal hypnotic, green, bioluminescent glow from a mamlambo's skin is very faint in daylight or when underwater, but it is still potent against creatures close by, particularly humanoids. Creatures under the alluring glow are compelled to get as close as possible to the mamlambo, often resulting in it being followed by a myriad of river creatures like fish and birds. The hypnotic effect is broken if the mamlambo attacks.1

Habitat and ecology

Mamlambos' preferred prey are humanoids, especially humans. When prey is drawn in close enough, a mamlambo rushes out of the water in an attempt to gain surprise, then grabs its prey with its jaws. Oddly, a mamlambo usually only eats its victim's face and brain.1

Mamlambos are not very intelligent but demonstrate an animal cunning, sometimes hiding their meals under rocks and logs. It may take days or weeks before the local inhabitants realize a mamlambo has moved in.1

Despite the discrepancy in size and power, mamlambos have a strong phobia of river otters and rarely stay long in areas with them. As such, river-dwelling people of the Mwangi Expanse train otters as fishing aids and to ward off mamlambos.12


The scales and hide of a mamlambo can be made into a magical scale mail called mamlambo scale, which can temporarily replicate the creature's hypnotic glow.3


For additional as-yet unincorporated sources about this subject, see the Meta page.

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Laura-Shay Adams, et al. “Bestiary” in The Mwangi Expanse, 303. Paizo Inc., 2021
  2. Rigby Bendele, et al. “What People Know” in Travel Guide, 73. Paizo Inc., 2022
  3. James Case, et al. “Beast Armor and Armaments” in Howl of the Wild, 100. Paizo Inc., 2024

External links

  • Mamlambo (real-world goddess) on Wikipedia