Nolly Peltry (fictional character)

From PathfinderWiki

Nolly Peltry is the folk-hero protagonist of The Peltry Fables, a series of tales popular in the childhoods of Laria Longroad and other halflings in the Bellflower Network. In the tales, Nolly battled raccoons and giant bears but always escaped, coining a phrase in her escapades that everything would "turn to the luck".1

In culture

The name was adopted by an agent of the Bellflower Network in Kintargo some time recent to 4719 AR who often used The Peltry Fables to calm the crops of freed slaves that she rescued as a Bellflower tiller.2


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  1. ↑ Lyz Liddell & Ron Lundeen. “Adventure Toolbox” in Tomorrow Must Burn, 90–91. Paizo Inc., 2019
  2. ↑ Lyz Liddell & Ron Lundeen. “Adventure Toolbox” in Tomorrow Must Burn, 90. Paizo Inc., 2019