Sun Scarab's Keep

From PathfinderWiki

Sun Scarab's Keep is a ruined monument to the Fallen Pharaoh Menedes XXVI and the Menedes dynasty of Osirion, in the form of a ziggurat built several miles from Absalom. It was built by a man claiming to be the pharaonic pretender Menedes XXVII and destroyed by the First Guard soon after its construction in 1542 AR.1


A man claiming to be the uncrowned pharaoh Menedes XXVII arrived in Absalom in 1542 AR and asked to purchase land on which to build a monument to his disgraced ancestors. The ziggurat, later named Sun Scarab's Keep, was constructed several miles away within sight of the city.1

The act seemed innocent until Menedes XXVII demanded Absalom's assistance in retaking Osirion from Qadira. When the city declined, the pharaonic pretender opened the ziggurat's gates and unleashed a plague of spirits and sand from within.1 The First Guard destroyed the undead incursion and slew the upstart pharaoh.2

The keep was later used as a forward base by the First Guard against the assault from Tar-Baphon in 4719 AR.2


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 John Compton. “Midwives to Death” in Midwives to Death, 55–56. Paizo Inc., 2019
  2. 2.0 2.1 John Compton. “Midwives to Death” in Midwives to Death, 56. Paizo Inc., 2019