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The World Guide poster map of the Inner Sea region depicts Bellis as being near where the Dragonfly River joins the Sellen River, inland by several miles from the Sellen River's western banks. This aligns with a textual description of the town on Pactbreaker 74.

However, this position is in conflict with other depictions, including Pactbreaker's own map of the region, that places it further north. Other depictions do not depict the Dragonfly River, or instead depict an unnamed tributary. World Guide's position also conflicts with other depictions, including a town map, that place Bellis much closer to the western banks of the Sellen and do not depict the Dragonfly River.

River banks

  • The World Guide poster map depicts Bellis as being about 20 to 25 miles west of the Sellen River and not on any river's banks.
  • Inner Sea Poster Map Folio depicts Bellis as being close to the western banks of the Sellen River.
  • The unscaled abstract map of southern Andoran and Taldor on The Dagger of Trust 8 depicts Bellis as being on the western banks of the Sellen, and its text describes docks on the Sellen River as being within line of sight of the town.
  • Andoran, Spirit of Liberty inside front cover depicts Bellis as being on the river's eastern banks.
  • Pactbreaker inside front cover depicts Bellis as being on the western side of the Sellen River and not near a river fork.
  • Dwarves of Golarion depicts Bellis as being closer to the Sellen's western riverbanks than the above regional maps.
  • The town map on Andoran, Birthplace of Freedom 24 depicts Bellis as being about 1,250 feet west of the western banks of the Sellen River, and separated from the riverbanks by the Pit.

PathfinderWiki's map uses the distance from the western banks of the Sellen as depicted in Andoran, Birthplace of Freedom. -Oznogon (talk) 17:56, 6 August 2024 (UTC)

Dragonfly River

Pactbreaker 74 states that Bellis was founded "where the Dragonfly, a smaller tributary flowing south from the Five Kings Mountains, meets the Sellen".

However, Bellis's position on the map on Pactbreaker inside front cover places it about 125 miles north of where the Dragonfly River was depicted in past works, does not label the Dragonfly River, and does not depict Bellis as being within at least 40 miles of the joining of any tributary with the Sellen.

  • Realm of the Fellnight Queen depicts Bellis as being about 5 miles north-northeast of the joining of an unnamed tributary with the Sellen.
  • Inner Sea Poster Map Folio depicts Bellis as being about 40 miles north of the Dragonfly River.
  • Andoran, Birthplace of Freedom inside front cover depicts the Dragonfly River joining the Sellen about 100 miles or more south of Bellis. The town map on page 24 does not depict the joining of a river, and the text of the book's article on Bellis does not describe one.
  • Several sources do not depict the Dragonfly River at all:

Barring official clarification, there is no apparent resolution to this conflict. -Oznogon (talk) 18:15, 6 August 2024 (UTC)


Realm of the Fellnight Queen depicts Bellis as being in the Verduran Forest, near the Sellen River, and with a road leading east off-map to Wispil, but does not place it relative to any other locations. Its position is unclear from this source.

The World Guide poster map depicts Bellis as being near where the Dragonfly River joins the Sellen River, but several miles west of the Sellen River.

  • This position is roughly consistent with the unscaled abstract map of southern Andoran and Taldor on The Dagger of Trust 8, but it depicts Bellis as being closer to the river in the novel's text.
  • Inner Sea Poster Map Folio depicts Bellis as being about 40 miles north of the Dragonfly River and east of the World Guide position, near the western banks of the Sellen River.
  • Andoran, Spirit of Liberty inside front cover depicts Bellis as being slightly north of the World Guide and Inner Sea Poster Map positions, but on the opposite side of the river.
  • Dwarves of Golarion depicts Bellis as being due east of High Watch and south of Rolgrimmdur, about 25 miles northeast of the World Guide position.

Andoran, Birthplace of Freedom inside front cover and Pactbreaker inside front cover depict Bellis as being about 100 miles north from where it is depicted on the World Guide map.

  • Pactbreaker inside front cover places Bellis slightly east-northeast of Caldamin.
  • Pactbreaker inside front cover labels a location at the World Guide's position for Bellis, which is described on 40–41 as being a contested Lumber Consortium logging camp.

Bellis's current position on PathfinderWiki's map uses the position from Pactbreaker's map, but barring official clarification this conflict is unresolvable.

If Pactbreaker's map is in error, the textual description of it as being near the Dragonfly River in Pactbreaker should move Bellis to the Inner Sea Poster Map's position, in order to maintain consistency with the town map in Andoran, Birthplace of Freedom.

If Pactbreaker's map is correct and its textual description is wrong, Bellis should use the Pactbreaker map location.

If Pactbreaker's map is correct and its textual description is also correct, the depiction of the Dragonfly River in Inner Sea Poster Map Folio and Andoran, Birthplace of Freedom, both used by PathfinderWiki's map, is wrong, and no canon source provides a consistent depiction of it. -Oznogon (talk) 17:56, 6 August 2024 (UTC)