
From PathfinderWiki


Andoran, Birthplace of Freedom internally conflicts on what Occarin is, where it is located, and its origins.

Birthplace of Freedom 17 describes Occarin as a ruined fortress and structures formerly of the Taldan House Occarin, located in a sodden marsh east of Sauerton. It also suggests that further details are on "page 17", a circular reference.

Birthplace of Freedom 46 describes Occarin as a well-kept village whose residents are unknowingly or secretly changeling children of a coven of green hags living in the nearby Verduran Forest.

The description on Birthplace of Freedom 46 is more detailed and lacks the inconsistent page reference of 17. The conflicting descriptions are mutually exclusive and cannot be incorporated. I can't find another reference to Occarin in another canon work, and I can't find an official clarification suggesting a resolution or explaining what canon subject, if anything, is being described on page 17.

Therefore, this is flagged as an irreconcilable conflict, the description on page 46 is used as canon, and the description on page 17 is assumed to be entirely in error. -Oznogon (talk) 22:36, 19 June 2024 (UTC)