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Tower of the Horn

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The Tower of the Horn is a ruined spire formerly of a magic school located on the Precipice Quarter's cliffside in Absalom. The school's other two spires are the intact Tower of the Broken Shield (colloquially known as Beldrin's Tower) and the ruined Tower of the Candelabra.1


The spire detached from its shared foundation and fell to the cliffs' base in the great earthquake of 4698 AR, but as of 4711 AR three storeys of the detached and fallen spire remained structurally intact. It is typically covered by the Inner Sea, with its sole entrance submerged under at least 10 feet of sea water2 except for when the tide goes out during a full moon.23

The spire juts from the sea floor at an angle4 and lacks windows or interior light sources, and its long stretches of flooding have led to its surfaces being encrusted with coral and barnacles and infested with aquatic creatures, such as merrows5 and reefclaws.6 Corrosion, oxidation, and the tower's magical and alchemical contents have combined to produce hazards and shift its internal structure to such an extent that past attempts to map its contents quickly fall out of date.3


Originally constructed by the wizard Beldrin, the Tower of the Horn was one of three ivory spires of a magic school located on the quarter's cliffside. An earthquake that rocked the district in 4698 AR led to its total collapse.1

The tower is believed to contain the keys to chambers in the school's other spires.7

Adventurers have explored the temple, though it remains littered with the remains of those who entered but failed to escape it.4 Daling's Delvers, a Pathfinder Society party led by Daling who entered around 4710 AR, are among the explorers who died while exploring the tower.8 As of 4720 AR, no explorer had reached its core.3


Paizo set the Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild scenario Echoes of the Overwatched in the Tower of the Horn.