Beldrin's Tower

From PathfinderWiki

Beldrin's Tower, sometimes known as the Tower of the Broken Shield, is the most famous monument in the Precipice Quarter of Absalom. Originally part of a three-spire magic academy established by the wizard Beldrin, it suffered considerable damage after the earthquake of 4698 AR. It has since teetered on the cliff's edge, shaken and cracked but unbowed.12345

Beldrin's Tower, as well as the shattered ruins of the other two towers, derive their name from the objects of power that Beldrin sequestered within: the Tower of the Candelabra for Beldrin's Candelabra, the Tower of the Horn for Beldrin's Horn, and the Broken Shield for Beldrin's Shield.367 The three spires were also collectively known as the Tri-Towers, and the former name of the nearby Drownyard was the Tri-Towers Yard.3


The tower, built in the early years of Absalom, was originally composed of three spires made of ivory atop an improbably small base on the isle's cliffside.8 The spire that survived the earthquake of 4698 AR has been the subject of many adventurers and Pathfinder Society expeditions, though many who attempted to breach its innermost sanctums never returned.935 Despite the long list of lost explorers, as of 4708 AR more attempted the feat every year3 in large part due to the wonders of the few objects retrieved from its tilting ruins.9

In 4720 AR, Beldrin's Tower was refurbished in preparation for the upcoming Radiant Festival. Before its entrance is an acres-long shallow basin, with onyx footpaths and granite benches. Massive exhibit halls on both sides of the basin host all kinds of private events throughout the day. In the foyer is a large statue of Aroden raising a golden orb from a fountain filled with prismatic water. The interior of Beldrin's Tower became a museum dedicated to notable periods in Absalom's history, where visitors can witness illusory scenes, including the construction and demolition of Absalom's curtain walls; the ascension of Norgorber, Cayden Cailean, and Iomedae; and a miniature rendition of the Radiant Siege.1

Even though the tower's reopening was promoted as one of the Radiant Festival's highlights, more than half of it remained blocked by locked doors, sealed off with false walls or hidden by illusion magic.110


Prior to the tower's refurbishment in 4720 AR, its lower levels were inhabited primarily by unstable Precipice Quarter residents, undead, and cultists. Its upper levels remain guarded by more powerful beings, some of which date back to Beldrin's times.9


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