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Unspeakable Word

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The Unspeakable Word is considered to be both the final page of the Book of the Damned and a massive heart-shaped organ within the book's demiplane that pumps evil thoughts and deeds from across the multiverse into the book's records. The organ, which measures about 30 feet across and 40 feet long,1 is chained to the center of the book's demiplane and defended by the Voice of the Damned, an entity permanently bound to the plane.2


  1. F. Wesley Schneider & Jerome Virnich. Benabak (Imp)” in Hell Unleashed, 19. Paizo Inc., 2015 Estimated from the provided map.
  2. F. Wesley Schneider & Jerome Virnich. Benabak (Imp)” in Hell Unleashed, 17. Paizo Inc., 2015