Zutha's Reaping Scythe

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Zutha's Reaping Scythe
Zutha, wielding his reaping scythe.
(Magic item)

Aura (1E)
Strong necromancy
Slot (1E)
Source: Runeplague, pg(s). inside front cover

Zutha's Reaping Scythe1 is one of the Alara'quin, a set of intelligent weapons crafted by Xin for the runelords as their symbols of office. This scythe was wielded by the runelord of gluttony, the last of which was Zutha, who preferred to use magic items in battle and often loaned his scythe to his champions. The scythe drains the life from those it strikes and transforms it into void energy to heal an undead wielder.2


  1. Jessica Catalan. Belimarius and Sorshen” in Legends, 35. Paizo Inc., 2020
  2. Richard Pett, et al. Runeplague, inside front cover. Paizo Inc., 2018