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The Droskari theocratic government of Ordrik Talhrik in the Five Kings Mountains nation of Tar Khadurrm begins to fall apart,1 2 resulting in entire dwarven settlements being walled off or abandoned.2 The resulting period becomes known as the Collapsed Era .3
Royalists in Highhelm , capital of Tar Khadurrm, declare the city's independence after casting out the last twelve Droskari theocrats in administration.4
â John Compton & Thurston Hillman . âOverviewâ in Druma, Profit and Prophecy , 11 . Paizo Inc. , 2019
â 2.0 2.1 James Jacobs , et al . âTimelineâ in The Inner Sea World Guide , 36 . Paizo Inc. , 2011
â David Eitelbach , et al . âDwarven Character Traitsâ in Dwarves of Golarion , 10 . Paizo Inc. , 2009
â Piper Amatrudi , et al . âChapter 1: Introductionâ in Highhelm , 15 . Paizo Inc. , 2023