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Source: Breaking the Bones of Hell, pg(s). 34–35

Adrakash was a red dragon1 who had been active around Kintargo for more than 300 years. After disappearing near the end of the Everwar in the late 44th century AR, the dragon allied with the blood hag and Mahathallahan cultist Nasperiah. He was killed by Barzillai Thrune in 4716 AR while defending the Soulbound Fane and rose as a wyrmwraith.2

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  1. 1.0 1.1 Paizo ceased the use of chromatic dragons with the publication of Monster Core, as part of the Pathfinder Second Edition Remaster Project. When mentioned in Monster Core and subsequent publications, existing chromatic dragons might be retroactively changed to new or equivalent types of non-chromatic dragons.
  2. Amber E. Scott. “Breaking the Bones of Hell” in Breaking the Bones of Hell, 31. Paizo Inc., 2016