
From PathfinderWiki

The Askedhaki catfolk are a Diaspora ethnic group most commonly found across the subcontinent of Vudra and the Impossible Kingdoms nations of Nex and Jalmeray.1


Askedhaki catfolk tend to have striped hair or fur, and view longer fangs as a sign of strength and attractiveness; as such, they have developed artisan methods of capping their fangs with metal. Askedhakis favour lighter clothes that are comfortable for travelling in oppressively high heat and humidity. Askedhaki catfolk also like to wear the most expensive jewellery that they can afford as a mark of prestige.1


Askedhaki catfolk normally live in nomadic caravans, roaming across the nation they call home. These caravans primarily make a living from trade, but many Askedhakis also traditionally serve as hunters. Rather than traditional game animals, they prefer to hunt creatures that prey upon their fellow humanoid neighbours, such as tigers, rakshasas, and other predators.1 Unfortunately due to Askedhakis' striped fur and fondness for expensive jewellery, they are sometimes mistaken for the rakshasas that they so zealously hunt. This is only made worse by the fact that sometimes rakshasas will try to disguise themselves as Askedhakis in order to avoid detection. As such, many Askedhakis incorporate religious symbols and blessed items into their clothing, since rakshasas find these items to be an anathema.2


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 David N. Ross. Catfolk” in Ancestry Guide, 16. Paizo Inc., 2021
  2. Mariam Ahmad, et al. “People of the Impossible Lands” in Impossible Lands, 23. Paizo Inc., 2022