Blue whale

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Blue whale

Any ocean
Source: The Price of Infamy, pg(s). 86-87

Blue whales are among the largest aquatic animals on Golarion, and are often hunted for their blubber, which is used to make oil. Also prized are their bones, which are used to make weapons and art objects using a type of carving called scrimshaw.

Blue whales are filter-feeders that subsist on millions of minuscule invertebrates known as krill. They are not typically aggressive towards humanoids, as they do not see them or their ships are meals, but can be dangerous due to their sheer size and ability to capsize ships with blows of their tails.1

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On Golarion

Blue whales live in every sea and ocean on Golarion.1 They are among the economically important animals hunted in the Shining Sea,2 and sometimes pass east from it and enter into the adjoining Ivory Sea.2


For additional as-yet unincorporated sources about this subject, see the Meta page.

  1. 1.0 1.1 Savannah Broadway, et al. “Bestiary” in The Price of Infamy, 86–87. Paizo Inc., 2012
  2. 2.0 2.1 Amber E. Scott & Mark Seifter. Golarion's Seas” in Aquatic Adventures, 32. Paizo Inc., 2017

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