Category:Neutral creatures
- This category is for creatures with neutral alignment, also known as "true neutral" alignment. For creatures aligned along both neutral alignment axes, see Category:Neutrally aligned creatures.
This category has the following 36 subcategories, out of 36 total.
- Baku (magical beast)β (2 P)
- Bone skipperβ (6 P)
- Bramblelashβ (8 P)
- Eelβ (8 P)
- Eurypteridβ (12 P)
- Giant sea urchinβ (3 P)
- Hadrosauridβ (2 P)
- Hag eye oozeβ (4 P)
- Hippocampusβ (8 P)
- Kangarooβ (8 P)
- Roiling oilβ (2 P)
- Rukhβ (4 P)
- Terra-cotta warriorβ (10 P)
- Yellow musk creeperβ (4 P)
Pages in category "Neutral creatures"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 2,101 total.
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- Aballonian
- Abysibrix golem
- Abyssal merfolk
- Adachros
- Adamantine golem
- Addu
- Adult cloud dragon
- Aeon
- Aeon wyrd
- Aether elemental
- Aether wysp
- Agnoia
- Agrawgh
- Ahkhat
- Ahmuuth
- Air elemental
- Air scamp
- Air wisp
- Akaname
- Akata
- Akhana
- Alchemical golem
- Algea
- Alligator
- Allosaurus
- Almiraj
- Alter ego
- Aluum
- Aluum enforcer
- Amargasaurus
- Amoeba
- Amoeba swarm
- Amphiptere
- Amphisbaena
- Anancus
- Ancient cloud dragon
- Android infiltrator
- Angazhani
- Angelic guardian
- Anglerfish
- Angustiden
- Animal
- Animate aria
- Animated armor
- Animated broom
- Animated object
- Animated statue
- Animated tank
- Ankhrav
- Ankylosaurus
- Annihilator
- Ant
- Anunnaki
- Ape
- Aquatic trapper
- Arachnid robot
- Aranea
- Arboreal reaper
- Arcanaton
- Arcanotheign
- Archaeopteryx
- Archelon
- Arctic hare
- Arctic tern
- Ardoc moilant
- Army ant swarm
- Arsinoitherium
- Ascomoid
- Asp
- Aspidochelone
- Assassin vine
- Astral dragon
- Astral leviathan
- Athamaru
- Aurochs
- Aurumvorax
- Awakened plant
- Awakened tree
- Azlanti chariot beetle
- Badger
- Baku (magical beast)
- Baku dreamweaver
- Ball python
- Baluchitherium
- Bandersnatch
- Barometz
- Barrow hound
- Barzahk
- Basidirond
- Basilisk
- Basilosaurus
- Bat
- Bathysphere jellyfish
- Bauble beast
- Bear
- Beetle
- Behemoth
- Behemoth golem
- Behir
- Belkzen puma
- Belostomatid
- Benthic worm
- Betobeto-san
- Bird
- Bison
- Black bear
- Black pudding
- Black scorpion
- Blindheim
- Blood golem
- Bloodbrush
- Bloodhaze mosquito
- Bloodseeker
- Blue shark
- Blue whale
- Bluetip eurypterid
- Boar
- Bog strider
- Bone golem
- Bone idol
- Bone skipper
- Bone skipper swarm
- Bonewrought willow
- Bore worm
- Bore worm monarch
- Bore worm swarm
- Boruta
- Bottlenose dolphin
- Brachiosaurus
- Bramblelash
- Brass golem
- Bregdi
- Brine shark
- Bristle boar
- Brontosaurus
- Brontotherium
- Bronze sentinel
- Bulette
- Bull of Zagresh
- Bull shark
- Bunyip
- Burleev
- Bush tiger
- Bustard
- Butterfly
- Bythos
- Cactus leshy
- Caiman
- Calaca
- Calathgar
- Calligraphy wyrm
- Camel
- Cameroceras
- Cannon golem
- Capramace
- Carbuncle
- Carnivorous blob
- Carnivorous crystal
- Carrion golem
- Caryatid column
- Casandalee
- Cat
- Catoblepas
- Catrina
- Cattle
- Caulborn
- Caulborn chrestomath
- Caulborn thoughtkeeper
- Caustic stalker
- Cauthooj
- Cave bear
- Cave fisher
- Cave scorpion
- Cave worm
- Cave worm (species)
- Celedon
- Centaur
- Centipede
- Centipede swarm
- Cephalophore
- Cephalopod
- Ceratioidi
- Ceratosaurus
- Chalicotherium
- Champion of the Gilded Host
- Chapel beetle
- Chemosit
- Chickcharney
- Chicken
- Choleric ooze swarm
- Chupacabra
- Cinder rat
- Cinder wolf
- Clawbat
- Clay golem
- Clockwork
- Clockwork amalgam
- Clockwork angel
- Clockwork assassin
- Clockwork dragon