Chaotic good

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The chaotic good alignment combines a good heart with a free spirit. A chaotic good character acts as his conscience directs him with little regard for what others expect of him. He makes his own way, but he is kind and benevolent. He believes in goodness and right but has little use for laws and regulations. He hates it when people try to intimidate others and tell them what to do. He follows his own moral compass, which, although good, may not agree with that of society.[citation needed]


A kanya, one type of chaotic good azata.

The smallest act of kindness is never wasted.

— Ultimate Campaign, page 135

Chaotic good characters are people who do the right thing, though often in unique ways. They wander Golarion seeking to spread a message of freedom and goodness. Usually beholden to no one place, chaotic good characters seek to throw back evil and fill the void with light wherever they are. These characters are often willing to take extreme personal risk to do what is right, and also to defend freedom in its absolute and most personal form. These characters seek to help people, though rarely working in an organized fashion and are quick to point out the shortcomings of a neglectful or evil government. While members of many classes can be chaotic good, many of the most exemplar of the alignment are bards, whose freedom, music and genuine will to improve the world leads them on many adventures to fight oppression and evil in all of its forms.


Chaotic good deities want their followers to experience the joys of the world first hand, and then share those experiences with as many people as they can, seeding goodwill wherever they go. They are willing to raise arms and fight to protect those desperately in need, and to oppose oppression and tyranny. Typically known for their joyous and wild ceremonies and lack of exacting dogma, their churches are scattered things, composed more of people than temples. Worshipers of chaotic good gods usually try to live happy and fulfilled lives, enjoying life and helping others to do so. Chaotic good members of Golarion's major pantheon include Desna and Cayden Cailean.


A nation with the chaotic good alignment is one in which citizens live in peace with autonomy, the government being a loose structure designed to provide aid to those in need and orchestrate larger projects for the nation that individuals could not achieve alone. The people of these nations are typically charitable: the needy and sick are often well cared for. An example of a chaotic good nation in Golarion is Nirmathas, in which the people have fought for freedom from the oppressive rule of Molthune and live in scattered communities in the forest embracing freedom and fighting to keep their autonomy.


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Outsiders and other races


The major race of chaotic good outsiders are called the azata. Other chaotic good outsiders include titans, kanyas, and many good fey, as well as the butterfly-winged lyrakien, servants of Desna.

Other races

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