Category:Articles in need of citations
Articles marked as needing citations are those in which sources may or may not be noted, but contain no or few specific citations throughout the text. It is important that sources be cited for all articles both to serve as a viable reference document and to aid in editing an making further additions to existing articles. See also Articles lacking sources.
This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.
Pages in category "Articles in need of citations"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,263 total.
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- Abyssal realm
- Achaierai
- Adachros
- Adamantine
- Adorak
- Aether elemental
- Aghash
- Aghasura
- Agyra
- Ahriman
- Air elemental
- Akvan
- Alchemist
- Aldern Foxglove
- Alghollthu master
- Alignment
- Allosaurus
- Almiraj
- Alu-demon
- Amargasaurus
- Amphiptere
- Anathematic substances
- Ancestor worship
- Androffan technology
- Androsphinx
- Ankylosaurus
- Antipaladin
- Anunnaki
- Apkallu
- Apocalypse horse
- Apocalypse locust
- Apocalypse Riders
- Apostle
- Aranea
- Talk:Arazni
- Arcanaton
- Arcane archer
- Archelon
- Ardis
- Ascension Day
- Ash giant
- Ashmede
- Asmodeus
- Astomoi
- Astradaemon
- Astral dragon
- Astral leviathan
- Astrology
- Asura
- Asurendra
- Athamaru
- Atomie
- Augnagar
- Avernus
- Avoral
- Azata
- Azlant
- Azlanti Empire
- Babau
- Baku (magical beast)
- Balor
- Baluchitherium
- Bandersnatch
- Barbarian
- Baregara
- Barghest
- Barometz
- Basidirond
- Basilosaurus
- Bebilith
- Behimiron
- Besmara
- Bezravnis
- Black dragon
- Blackjack
- Blink dog zodiac
- Blood golem
- Bloodline
- Boggard
- Bokrug
- Bone golem
- Bralani
- Brass golem
- Brine
- Brine dragon
- Brontotherium
- Bugbear
- Caligni dancer
- Caligni skulker
- Caligni slayer
- Cameroceras
- Cannon golem
- Casmaron
- Cassisian
- Cat
- Cataboligne
- Caulborn
- Cavalier
- Cave blight
- Celedon
- Celestial
- Centaur
- Ceratosaurus
- Cerberi
- Cerebric fungus
- Cerebulim
- Cernunnos
- Cetaceal
- Cetus
- Chaneque
- Chaos
- Chaos beast
- Chaotic evil
- Chaotic good
- Chaotic neutral
- Charybdis
- Chavazvug
- Chernobue
- Cherufe
- Chimera
- Choker
- Cleric
- Cliff giant
- Clockwork angel
- Clockwork assassin
- Clockwork dragon
- Clockwork fiend
- Clockwork golem
- Clockwork goliath
- Clockwork guardian
- Clockwork leviathan
- Clockwork servant
- Clockwork soldier
- Clockwork spy
- Clockwork steed
- Cloud dragon
- College of Mysteries
- Coloxus
- Commoner
- Conjuration
- Conqueror worm
- Consecrate (spell)
- Constellation
- Control weather (spell)
- Cornugon
- Crag linnorm
- Crown of the World
- Crypt dragon
- Crystal dragon
- Crystal golem
- Cult of the Redeemer Queen
- Curses of Golarion
- Cythnigot
- Dagon
- Dark fey
- Darklands
- Darkmoon Wood
- Darkvision
- Dawnsilver
- Deep one
- Deep one hybrid
- Deep sea serpent
- Deep Tolguth
- Deity
- Dejah Thoris
- Demigod
- Demon
- Dero
- Desecrate
- Desert blight
- Desert drake
- Dhampir
- Digmaul
- Dimetrodon
- Dinosaur
- Diseases of Golarion
- Dispater
- Divination
- Divine realm
- Dolok Darkfur
- Domain
- Dominate animal
- Dominate person
- Dorvae
- Dragon
- Drakainia
- Drathnelar
- Dream dragon
- Druid
- Duskwalker