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From PathfinderWiki

Lyrakiens, also known as wanderer azatas or glistenwings,1 are small fey-like celestials and divine messengers of Desna. Lyrakiens wander the world bringing joy and delight to worshipers of the Song of the Spheres with their small gifts and good-natured pranks.2


Lyrakiens resemble tiny androgynous humanoids with fair features and light hair. Their ears are long and pointy like those of an elf. Lyrakiens also have a pair of butterfly-like gossamer wings that are so thin that they are practically transparent in normal light. They can fly on these wings, but seem to be more agile and quicker than physics should allow.2

Habitat and ecology

The similarity of lyrakiens to fey is not deliberate, but reflects the similarity of Desna's personality to that of good-natured fey—she is impulsive yet kind. Lyrakiens, like fey, tend to live in harmony with nature and possess a strong connection with places of great natural beauty. While generally peaceful creatures, they are staunch opponents of any who seek to desecrate nature's beauty.

Lyrakiens sometimes consent to become familiars of arcane spellcasters who worship Desna. They are far more independent than most familiars, and might even leave their allies if they feel the magic user is not acting in the true spirit of their goddess.2 They can also be temporarily summoned by clerics of Desna via a spell.3


Lyrakiens, like their goddess Desna, are endless wanderers and avoid inhabiting a single place for too long. If they do have a home, it is probably Desna's domain, the Sevenfold Cynosure. While they have no permanent home, lyrakiens travel the more well-worn paths of Golarion and often gather at beautiful spots with clear views of the night sky.3

They are musicians who love to engage in contests and tell stories, and they readily engage mortals in musical duels or regale them with lengthy tales of their adventures.1


Lyrakiens are favored followers of the goddess of free movement, and as such are very hard to capture. They can also tap into Desna's power and release a burst of holy starlight that can harm those of different alignments from themselves.2

Known lyrakiens


The lyrakiens listed below all live in Varisia. The popular worship of Desna practised by Varisian natives might explain why many lyrakiens inhabit the region.2

Obsessed with musical instruments, Joidyrilli wanders between nomadic settlements seeking new songs to learn. His most distinctive feature is his dyed purple hair.2
Kymryrcyl is an oddly somber lyrakien who lives in Windsong Abbey. When asked why he does not travel the world, Kymryrcyl simply pouts and claims to be waiting for someone.2
Novi lives in the Sanos Forest near the gnome settlement of Sipplerose, where he entertains local children with his flute playing.2


  1. 1.0 1.1 Logan Bonner, et al. “Monsters A-Z” in Bestiary, 30. Paizo Inc., 2019
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Jason Bulmahn, et al. “Bestiary” in The Skinsaw Murders, 86–87. Paizo Inc., 2007
  3. 3.0 3.1 Sean K Reynolds. Desna” in The Skinsaw Murders, 74. Paizo Inc., 2007