
From PathfinderWiki

Temperate deserts
Source: Bonus Bestiary, pg(s). 10

Dragonnes are fierce predators that share the features of a lion and a dragon. Deadly hunters, Dragonnes choose large tracts of land to claim as territory.


Dragonne look like a strange cross between the noble lion and the majestic dragon. Its head has the proud mane of an adult male lion and its jaws keeps the lions razor sharp teeth but otherwise the dragonne's skull looks distinctly draconic including a huge set of backwards facing horns. The body of a dragonne maintains the lions sleek lines and predatory stance, while the mane and some of the upper back have fur the rest of the dragonne's body is covered in scales. The Dragonnes scales are brass in color with its fur ranging from red to orange. The claws of the dragonne definitely show its draconic heritage as does its tail except for the very tip which has a lion like tuft of fur. 1

Habitat and ecology

Dragonnes' favourite hunting grounds are the wide open spaces of the desert or dry plains where there eye sight and speed allows them to bring down big prey. Dragonne will often lair in hot mountains near to their favoured hunting grounds rather than lairing in the desert itself which lacks adequate shelter.2 While they have a fearsome reputation Dragonnes are not inherently evil, they are just highly protective of their chosen hunting grounds. Settlers in a dragonne's territory can expect constant harassment from the creature until they depart. Dragonnes are highly intelligent and converse fluently in draconic. The creature sometimes allows riders, and occasionally will accompany a ranger or druid as their companion. Although the creature sports wings and can fly, it does so poorly and prefers to remain on the ground most of the time—except when hunting. Dragonnes prefer to hunt from the skies, pouncing down onto their foes.1


The roar of a dragonne is so potent and terrifying that it weakens any foe who hears it.1

On Golarion

A knight may find a willing dragonne mount, if the knight demonstrates fierce loyalty to his companions.3
