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Sultanate, as a British protectorate

Egypt is a nation on the distant planet of Earth that shares a strikingly similar history and ancient pantheon1 with the Golarion nation of Ancient Osirion.2 As of 4715 AR, or Earth year AD 1920, the ruler of Egypt is the Sultan Fuad I.3

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Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt is sometimes referred to as the Old Kingdom of Kemet and was favoured by the Osirian pantheon after they retreated from Ancient Osirion in the Age of Enthronement.4


  1. The deities Ra, Horus, Anubis, Osiris, Ma'at, Isis, and Thoth stopped answering prayers in 4724 AR after events described in War of Immortals. The ramifications of this change in this context might not yet be defined in a canon source. See Meta:Osirian pantheon.
  2. Robert G. McCreary. “Foreword” in Empty Graves, 4–5. Paizo Inc., 2014
  3. In this article about a 'real-world' entity, any non-mentioned material is shown in italics and is provided from Wikipedia. In his Foreword to Rasputin Must Die!, Brandon Hodge states that the Earth portrayed in that adventure 'has to be our world', so we can extrapolate a little to give context in order to aid DMs and complete our infoboxes. Further information may be found by following the link to Wikipedia provided.
  4. Robert G. McCreary. “Gods of Ancient Osirion” in Empty Graves, 65. Paizo Inc., 2014

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