Frosty chiseler

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Frosty chisler

Any cold
Source: Carnival of Tears, pg(s). 29–30

Once great fey artisans, frosty chiselers are now creatures perverted by the cold into evil creatures who revel in the pain and misery of their new unholy creations. Once they created astounding works of art; now, their chosen medium is frozen flesh and pain.1


Frosty chiselers closely resemble gnomes in their appearance and stature, standing on average three feet tall, but they typically weigh around 100 pounds and their skin is an icy blue color. Their prominently large, ice-blue beards are not made from hair but of living, writhing icicles as sharp as daggers, and it can attack a frosty chiseler's foes like hungry snakes. One of the frosty chiseler's eyes is always larger than the other.

Frosty chiselers always carry the tools of their trade, a metal hammer and a blood-stained chisel.1

Habitat and ecology

Frosty chiselers dwell in any cold environment near their humanoid victims. Frosty chiselers still concentrate on carving after their transformation, but their preferred material is the still-living bodies of their victims frozen in blocks of ice, from which they create grisly sculptures of morbid aesthetics beyond any mortal understanding of art.

While frosty chiselers in general have to reside on the outskirts of civilization, many were said to reside in the palaces of the Witch Queen of Irrisen, where they create some of the most depraved sculptures imaginable from their near limitless supply of captives. Frosty chiselers are generally created when the Witch Queen infects the soul of artistic fey with her malevolent chill.2


Any opponent who attacks the frosty chiseler at close range is struck by the icy tendrils of the chiseler's beard. The frosty chiseler can also curse its opponent, making its bones and flesh as brittle as ice and sloughing off if the opponent does anything too strenuous.1


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Tim Hitchcock & Nicolas Logue. Carnival of Tears, 29–30. Paizo Inc., 2007
  2. Tim Hitchcock & Nicolas Logue. Carnival of Tears, 29–30. Paizo Inc., 2007 Elvanna is presumed here as the Jadwiga Queen of Irrisen at the time, but she is not named in the source.