Girt Bear-Wearer

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Girt Bear-Wearer

ca. 4705–4710 AR1
Source: Midwives to Death, pg(s). 89

Girt Bear-Wearer was a corrupt and ambitious lord in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings. During a mutiny aboard his longboat, his loyalists killed many of the mutineers, including Bolgi and Bjarni, twin slayers of the frost wolf Kuldnir; and Hrolf Harfargr, former consort of White Estrid.

Ostog, an oarsman and mutineer, was stabbed eleven times by seven of Bear-Wearer's loyalists and fell into the Steaming Sea but survived the assault, washing up alive near Sandpoint. This event first earned Ostog the name "Ostog the Unslain",2 opens the Account of Ostog the Unslain by Ostog's adventuring companion Styrian Kindler, and was featured in the epic verses of the Ostogsaga by Ostog's brother, Hakon.3

Bear-Wearer claimed Harfargr's greatsword Gnarlfang after the battle, but within five years of the event Bear-Wearer died of unknown causes and rose as a ghost, still wielding Gnarlfang. Ostog would later face and defeat Bear-Wearer's ghost and claim Gnarlfang for himself.3


  1. Ostog is described as "in his early twenties" as of NPC Guide in 2010/4710 AR, and Midwives to Death suggests his battle against Bear-Wearer occurred within five years of the mutiny. Assuming Ostog was 23 years old in 4710 AR, Bear-Wearer likely died between 4705 and 4710 AR.
  2. Hal Maclean, et al. Paizo Staff NPCs” in NPC Guide, 55. Paizo Inc., 2010
  3. 3.0 3.1 Linda Zayas-Palmer, et al. “Developer Showcase” in Midwives to Death, 89. Paizo Inc., 2019