Account of Ostog the Unslain

From PathfinderWiki

Account of Ostog the Unslain is a biographical work published in 4715 AR and written by the bard Styrian Kindler, nephew of novelist Ailson Kindler, about the improbable exploits of his adventuring companion Ostog the Unslain across western Varisia.

The Account covers a decade of their exploits while part of an adventuring party based in Sandpoint, including battles against the creature known as the Red Bishop, xoarians1 of Ilvarandin, and the Sandpoint Devil. It also tells of Ostog's early life, including his coming of age in the seaside town of Bildt, exploitation by the wicked Ingimundr the Unruly, and Ostog's mutiny against Girt Bear-Wearer alongside the legendary heroes Hrolf Harfargr2 and the twins Bolgi and Bjarni.3

While scholars prefer the Account as a biographical reference, the epic work Ostogsaga by Ostog's brother Hakon is another popular and rousing—if often improvised, exaggerated, and ever-growing—telling of the Unslain's tale.2


  1. Paizo referred to xoarians as intellect devourers until the publication of Heavy is the Crown.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Linda Zayas-Palmer, et al. “Developer Showcase” in Midwives to Death, 89. Paizo Inc., 2019
  3. Hal Maclean, et al. Paizo Staff NPCs” in NPC Guide, 56. Paizo Inc., 2010